Brides in 2018: the trends for the Big Day!

The details also make a difference on that Big Day. In fact, besides the dress, make-up, hairstyle, shoes and floral arrangement, brides know there must also be room for the right accessories, especially precious jew-ellery.
But what trends are not to be ignored when speaking of jewellery for the bride?
First of all, it is good to remember to avoid wearing a complete set. There is therefore no need to go out on a limb and choose too many items to wear: it is better to don the more significant and those most suited to the dress and hairstyle, remembering that the most elegant combination is earrings and bracelet or neck-lace and bracelet.
Secondly, speaking of earrings, the modern bride who wants to dare with her hairstyle or shorter cuts, can have fun with climber earrings, perfect for embellishing the future wife’s face and higher neck region. And what about “organic” brooches? Extremely trendy and now extensively included on haute-couture cat-walks, precious brooches in the shape of butterflies, flowers, birds and insects have also seduced many bridal looks. Extraordinary figures, best in shades of gold, able to create the outfit of your dreams.
And the watch? Let’s say that the bon ton and elegance of a bridal gown would rather a bride not wear one, also because the passing of time is certainly the last thing that the star of the day should be thinking about. Trends do say, however, that wedding gowns with a low neckline at the back have now also con-quered many jewellery brands which have enriched their necklaces with pendants and trinkets able to en-hance the skin, shoulders and back, giving an original, elegant and seductive effect.
Personalized jewellery? A good idea, especially if it is a gift from a relative or dear friend, with tiny en-graved messages, the marriage date and other romantic details. Lastly, the ring. There is only one, unique and true ring for that day: the wedding band. All the others can be left at home except, perhaps, for the engagement ring.
To this regard, among the many offers of innovative and unconventional rings, surely the most original is that of a piercing set into the skin, a kind of shiny diamond glued directly onto the finger. It is known as mi-crodermal finger piercing where the engagement ring is actually a kind of piercing, as Billy Deberry Florida’s renowned professional “installer”, points out: “The main thing is that the material used must be non-allergic and safe.”
A new and original trend that is certainly….theft-proof!
Trendvision even outlines Wedding Jewellery trends.