Driving Digital & Technology Innovation in the Jewellery Business

Club degli Orafi is organizing a new event, to be held at VicenzaOro September 2019, which aims to take a closer look at the digital world and new technologies.
At 11.30 am on Sunday, 8th September, in Hall 6 - VO Square, a seminar entitled “Driving Digital & Technology Innovation in the Jewellery Business” is scheduled to take place during which several top experts in the sector will reflect on technologies applied to the digital world, virtual reality and the blockchain that are revolutionizing the jewellery world and its various sectors.
Testifying to the change are consumers who are always on the look-out for different buying experiences from those considered as traditional.
Therefore, technologies can successfully interface with the jewellery world by modifying the Customer Journey and improving the way customers approach the products. During the event, modalities for integrating these global changes into daily business will also be discussed.