IEG and BMW for VICENZAORO September 2018

Italian Exhibition Group and BMW have signed a new partnership for the coming edition of VicenzaOro, scheduled to take place from 22nd to 26th September next. The German car manufacturer will be the Mobility Partner during the days of the Show providing about ten vehicles - BMW Series 5, Series 6 and Series 7 – personalized with the words BMW for VICENZAORO.
BMW, a symbol of European motoring luxury, and the gold and jewellery sector’s number one trade show will therefore be uniting forces in a market, namely the Italian one, which is particularly interesting as a target client and has always been highly sensitive to the charm of the German car manufacturer’s vehicles.
Throughout the days of the autumn edition of VicenzaOro, a fundamental event in the jewellery industry’s international calendar, an exclusive area will be set aside for BMW at the entrance to the Show where a BMW Series 5 Touring will be on display.
Moreover, the car manufacturer’s unmistakable logo will also be printed on all communication materials and in the networking space entitled VICENZAORO Aperitif (L’ Aperitivo di VICENZAORO).