Original and unique jewellery thanks to retrieved materials

Unique and original creations starting from waste materials. An illusion? No, total reality!
In this way, waste materials, such as leftovers from design and architecture processing or old slides, can generate original and unique creations. Several brands, which have produced sustainable jewellery thanks to upcycling, provide the proof.
In fact, sustainable jewellery gives discarded materials, which would otherwise be destined to end up as waste, a second chance. The originality and creativity of artists and designers are what lie behind this new life as accessories and jewellery donated to unconventional materials. The waste materials come from the architecture and design world which can offer interesting ideas for original creations.
Some examples? Rings from the A-Zero line by designer Franco Eccel: these unique items are made of acrylic stone retrieved from refuse from the design world. With a smooth and silky feel due to using Hi-Macs, an acrylic material combined with minerals and natural pigments, the rings are light yet highly resistant, made with the Japanese Kintsugi technique, typically used to repair ceramic objects. The cracks between the various components are enhanced by using special contrasting glues.
Then there are ECOS watches, eco-friendly creations in harmony with nature, made by combining precious metals with wood-processing rejects, and the fashion accessories by Herika Signorino. These latter items, made by the designer in the heart of Florence, stand out due their mixture of conventional materials, like bronze, silver and steel , with waste items such as atelier leftovers, balloons and rubbers.
Another good idea comes from Germana Leonelli and Patrizia della Peruta's brand, PAGE Diamania, which re-uses old photo slides. From a common yet now forgotten item that has fallen into disuse due to digital photography, these items are getting a kind of second chance as eco-jewellery, accessories or home-furnishing objects. Earrings, necklaces and bracelets, bags and picture frames come to life with decoupage, airbrushing and acrylic colours.
When creative recycling becomes a useful passion for the environment and great design!